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Table 2 Linear regression analysis between CMI and CAP

From: Association between cardiometabolic index and controlled attenuation parameter in U.S. adults with NAFLD: findings from NHANES (2017–2020)


Model 1

β (95%CI)

Model 2

β (95%CI)

Model 3

β (95%CI)

CMI value

(per 1 unit increase)

22.78 (19.66, 25.91)***

22.97 (19.82, 26.13)***

10.40 (7.14, 13.67)***

Tertiles of CMI






15.31 (10.81, 19.82)***

15.60 (11.08, 20.13) ***

4.59 (-0.01, 9.19)


31.89 (27.52, 36.25)***

31.96 (27.55, 36.36) ***

13.11 (8.43, 17.79) ***

p for trend

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

  1. Model 1 unadjusted
  2. Model 2 adjusted for age, gender and race
  3. Model 3 further adjusted for education level, marital status, smoking, moderate work activity, PIR, SBP, DBP, BMI, LSM, UA, LDL-C, ALT, AST, ALB, GGT, diabetes and stroke based on Model 2
  4. CMI Cardiometabolic index, T Tertile
  5. ***p<0.001