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Fig. 6 | Lipids in Health and Disease

Fig. 6

From: Lipid alterations play a role in the integration of PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors and anlotinib for the treatment of advanced non–small-cell lung cancer

Fig. 6

Detection of substantial alterations in the constituents of PI among three distinct groups of patients prior to and subsequent to intervention. Significant alterations were not observed in the PI levels of the PR group. The SD group showed a significant increase in PI 38:0, PI 40:2, and PI 44:4 levels after treatment. C In the PD group, more than half of the PIs exhibited a significant up-regulation after treatment. To evaluate the changes in PI levels, a paired two-tailed Student’s t-test was performed within each group (PR, SD, PD). The comparison was made between the non-treatment group and the group treated with a combination of anlotinib and a PD-1 inhibitor. Statistical significance was determined with a P -value of less than 0.05, which was denoted with an asterisk

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