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Table 1 Characteristics of patients and controls. Urine was from the same patient / healthy control, of whom feces was collected. Data are given as median and interquartile range. There were no significant differences between these groups. Unpaired Student´s t-test was used for comparison of patients / controls for SCFA and 3-indoxylsulfate analysis. Mann Whitney U-test was used for comparison of the respective patient and control cohorts. Chi-square test was used for categorical variables and P > 0.05 was obtained for all of these comparisons

From: Fecal short chain fatty acids and urinary 3-indoxyl sulfate do not discriminate between patients with Crohn´s disease and ulcerative colitis and are not of diagnostic utility for predicting disease severity


Patients for SCFA analysis

Patients for 3-indoxyl sulfate analysis

Controls for SCFA analysis

Controls for 3-indoxyl sulfate analysis

Number (females/males)

64 (29/35)

45 (18/27)

17 (11/6)

13 (9/4)

Age (years)

48 (34–54)

42 (32–53)

48 (26–58)

42 (25–56)

BMI (kg/m2)

24.2 (22.1–28.1)

24.2 (22.0–27.1)



CRP (mg/L)

1.9 (0.8–8.4)

2.3 (0.9 -11.8)



Creatinine (mg/dL)

0.84 (0.73–0.90)

0.84 (0.76–0.89)



GFR (mL/min)

99 (91–110)

100 (90–110)



  1. BMI Body mass index, CRP C-reactive protein, GFR Glomerular filtration rate, n.d. Not documented