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Fig. 3 | Lipids in Health and Disease

Fig. 3

From: LRRK2 mediated Rab8a phosphorylation promotes lipid storage

Fig. 3

Overexpression of mimic phosphorylated Rab8a (Rab8a T72D and Rab8a T72E) increases the size of LDs. 3T3L1 pre-adipocytes were transfected with FLAG-Rab8a (WT, T72A, T72D, T72E, T22 N, T22 N/T72A, T22 N/T72D) and Fsp27-Cherry. Oleic acid was added to promote the formation of LDs for 15 h. LDs were labeled with Bodipy 493/503 (Green). a Western blots showing protein levels of FLAG-tagged Rab8a and its mutations. b & c Overexpression of Rab8a T72D and T72E increases the sizes of LDs under the circumstances of over-expressing Fsp27 while overexpression of wild-type Rab8a or phosphorylation defective Rab8a (T72A) shows no such effects. Scale bars represent 20 μm. d Statistical analysis of (b). Significance was established using a two-tailed Student’s t-test. Differences were considered significant at P < 0.05. ***P < 0.001

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