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Table 1 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients with arterial hypertension, M ± m

From: Modification of fatty acids composition in erythrocytes lipids in arterial hypertension associated with dyslipidemia


Control group, n = 11

Patients with AH, n = 24


1 group (without DLP), n = 16

2 group (with DLP), n = 18

Systolic arterial pressure, mmHg.

105 ± 2

***141 ± 2

***141 ± 1

Diastolic arterial pressure, mmHg

65 ± 2

***87 ± 1

***88 ± 1

TC, mmol/l

4,44 ± 0,21

4,33 ± 0,06

**5,16 ± 0,13***

ТG, mmol/l

0,68 ± 0,07

**0,92 ± 0,04

***1,79 ± 0,14***

HDL, mmol/l

1,41 ± 0,11

1,29 ± 0,02

***0,97 ± 0,05***

LDL, mmol/l

2,72 ± 0,22

2,63 ± 0,06

***4,00 ± 0,06***

VLDL, mmol/l

0,31 ± 0,03

*0,4 ± 0,01

***0,65 ± 0,01***

AI, a.u.

2,27 ± 0,05

2,45 ± 0,08

***4,35 ± 0,09***

  1. Note: tabl. 1, 2 (*) - Statistically significant differences linked to the control group are on the left, - for the 1group are on the right: * - p < 0.05, ** - p < 0.01, *** - p < 0,001.